Partner Dancing DVD  3


Learn 22 Great Partner Dances
Only $40.00 AU + P&P
To order Call 0428 428 878

Partner Dancing has become very popular and can be done in circles around the
outside of the dance floor or in lines.

John and Beris will show you

22  GREAT dances.


1. Wildflower 

2. Fiesta Jive

3. Jacquelin Cha Cha

4. Cowboy Blues

5. Mess Around 

6. Mambo Rock  

7. Elvira  

8. Bugle Boy Boogie

9. Firehouse Cha Cha 

10.Jukebox Jumpin' 

11. Senorita Sway

12. Progressive Jive

13. Basic Box Fours

14. Rock around the Clock

15. Last Waltz

16. Red Hot Salsa

17. Cowboy Cha Cha

18. The 'new' Madison

19. Rock 'n' Roll Waltz

20. Smokey Places

21. Chicago Swing

22. American Cowboy Cha Cha